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Events / Courses

Upcoming Events

  • Women's Health & Wellness Retreat
    Women's Health & Wellness Retreat
    lau., 03. maí
    Balearic Islands
    03. maí 2025, 17:00 – 09. maí 2025, 23:00
    Balearic Islands, Majorca, Balearic Islands, Spain
    Experience six health-boosting days guided by our Chinese medicine experts including extensive health consultations, mindful movement, nourishing nutrition, pampering and rebalancing treatments, health talks, self care rituals, nature walks, sunshine and so much more.
Past events and retreats
  • Qigong & Gong -  Heart fire
    Qigong & Gong -  Heart fire
    þri., 07. jan.
    07. jan. 2025, 18:00 – 19:40
    Reykjavík, Bolholt 4, 105 Reykjavík, Iceland
    07. jan. 2025, 18:00 – 19:40
    Reykjavík, Bolholt 4, 105 Reykjavík, Iceland
    Hér tengjum við inn á hjartaorkuna og næra hjartað á hvaða formi sem það kallar á. // Connect to your heart energy and nourish the heart in whatever form it needs.
  • Í Dýptina með Vetrinum
    Í Dýptina með Vetrinum
    sun., 29. des.
    29. des. 2024, 16:00 – 17:45
    Reykjavík, Bolholt 4, 105 Reykjavík, Iceland
    29. des. 2024, 16:00 – 17:45
    Reykjavík, Bolholt 4, 105 Reykjavík, Iceland
    Veturinn er tíminn til að leggjast í dvala, varðveita orku og ná ró. Þetta er einnig tími sem gefur tækifæri til að horfa inn á við og kíkja á hvað hvílir í djúpinu, snerta við hinu falda og sjá innri skugga.
  • TCM Women´s Health
    TCM Women´s Health
    lau., 11. maí
    11. maí 2024, 17:00 – 17. maí 2024, 00:00
    Capdepera, 07580 Capdepera, Balearic Islands, Spain
    11. maí 2024, 17:00 – 17. maí 2024, 00:00
    Capdepera, 07580 Capdepera, Balearic Islands, Spain
    Experience six health-boosting days in the magical island of Mallorca guided by Chinese medicine experts. Included is extensive health consultations, mindful movement, nourishing nutrition, pampering health and wellness-treatments, nature walks, sunshine and so much more.
  • Chinese new year
    Chinese new year
    mán., 04. mar.
    04. mar. 2024, 16:00 – 20:15
    Reykjavík, Bolholt 4, 105 Reykjavík, Iceland
    04. mar. 2024, 16:00 – 20:15
    Reykjavík, Bolholt 4, 105 Reykjavík, Iceland
    Set your intent for the year of the Dragon. What does the dragon year have in store for us and how can we blossom during this time? Join me for an evening of talk about our shift from the Rabbit year of 2023 to the Dragon year of 2024.
  • Í Dýptina með Vetrinum
    Í Dýptina með Vetrinum
    fös., 03. nóv.
    03. nóv. 2023, 14:00 – 24. nóv. 2023, 15:30
    Reykjavík, Bolholt 4, 105 Reykjavík, Iceland
    03. nóv. 2023, 14:00 – 24. nóv. 2023, 15:30
    Reykjavík, Bolholt 4, 105 Reykjavík, Iceland
    Veturinn er tíminn til að varðveita orku, hvíla og finna ró. Á þessu 4 skipta námskeiði einblínum við á að róa taugakerfið, kafa inná við, sleppa okkur inn í dýptina og finna þar styrk okkar og tilgang.
  • Let Go - Qigong & Gong
    Let Go - Qigong & Gong
    fim., 28. sep.
    Móar Studio
    28. sep. 2023, 19:30 – 21:00
    Móar Studio, Bolholt 4, 105 Reykjavík, Iceland
    28. sep. 2023, 19:30 – 21:00
    Móar Studio, Bolholt 4, 105 Reykjavík, Iceland
    Qigong & Gong Welcome to an evening of healing according to Oriental/Chinese medicine (TCM). This event is designed to connect to the energy of “Letting Go” so we can move forward into the new.
  • Hjartaró - Qigong & Gong
    Hjartaró - Qigong & Gong
    þri., 22. ágú.
    Móar Studio
    22. ágú. 2023, 19:30 – 21:00
    Móar Studio, Bolholt 4, 105 Reykjavík, Iceland
    22. ágú. 2023, 19:30 – 21:00
    Móar Studio, Bolholt 4, 105 Reykjavík, Iceland
    Kvöldstundin innblásna af austurlenskum/kínverskum læknisfræðum (TCM), hönnuð til leita djúpt innávið í öruggu rými, tengja inn á hjartaorkuna og næra hjartað á hvaða formi sem það kallar á.
  • Qigong & Gong - frá Hausti til Veturs
    Qigong & Gong - frá Hausti til Veturs
    fim., 03. nóv.
    03. nóv. 2022, 20:00 – 24. nóv. 2022, 21:30
    Reykjavík, Bolholt 4, 105 Reykjavík, Iceland
    03. nóv. 2022, 20:00 – 24. nóv. 2022, 21:30
    Reykjavík, Bolholt 4, 105 Reykjavík, Iceland
  • AUTUMN QI FLOW Retreat
    AUTUMN QI FLOW Retreat
    þri., 04. okt.
    04. okt. 2022, 19:00 – 08. okt. 2022, 19:00
    Capdepera, 07580 Capdepera, Balearic Islands, Spain
    04. okt. 2022, 19:00 – 08. okt. 2022, 19:00
    Capdepera, 07580 Capdepera, Balearic Islands, Spain
    mið., 18. maí
    Balearic Islands
    18. maí 2022, 19:00 – 23. maí 2022, 19:00
    Balearic Islands, Majorca, Balearic Islands, Spain
    18. maí 2022, 19:00 – 23. maí 2022, 19:00
    Balearic Islands, Majorca, Balearic Islands, Spain
    Experience six health-boosting days guided by our Chinese medicine experts including extensive health consultations, mindful movement, nourishing nutrition, pampering health and wellness-treatments, plenty of fresh air, nature walks, sunshine and so much more.
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